Chilomastix mesnili

Chilomastix mesnili is a protozoan flagellate.

Disease / Pathogenesis

Chilomastix mesnili is considered nonpathogenic. Its presence is however an indicator of ingesting fecal contaminated food or water and therefore can be seen as a predisposing factor to some other as of yet undetected intestinal pathogen.

Location in the Host

Chilomastix mesnili is located in the large intestine of the host.

Geographic Distribution

Chilomastix mesnili has a cosmopolitan distribution.


Chilomastix mesnili has no vector. Transmission by by ingesting the cyst form of the organism in contaminated water. food, hands.

Life Cycle

Image courtesy of the CDC

Morphology & Diagnosis

Chilomastix mesnili are detected in stool concentrates preparations. The cyst forms can be detected in formalin concentrates stained with Lugol’s Iodine as well as in permanent stained preparations. They are described as lemon shaped with a single nucleus near the center and remnants of a buccal cavity visible. Though not always visible.

The trophozoite form is described as pear-shaped and will measure between 6-24 um in length. The anterior end is round and will contain a single nucleus with a eccentric karyosome. The posterior end of the trophozoite is tapered down to a point.


Chilomastix mesnili cyst ( 4-6 um wide and 6-10 um long) – illustration by W. Vientos
Chilomastix mesnili cyst ( 4-6 um wide and 6-10 um long) next to Iodamoeba butschlii cyst – image courtesy of Dr. Mae Melvin (CDC)
Chilomastix mesnili trophozoite ( 4-8 um wide and 6-24 um long ) – Illustration by W. Vientos
Chilomastix mesnili trophozoite ( 4-8 um wide and 6-24 um long ) – image courtesy of Dr. Mae Melvin (CDC)